Introducing Developer DAO’s Eden Talent Oasis

We’re excited to (re)introduce Eden in the DAO to help Members find jobs.

Eden is now ready to onboard Members, and everyone who joins will receive a 75 CODE reward for signing up. You can sign up through the D_D magic job-board here:

So, why a new platform?

A big part of supporting our mission is helping Members find opportunities in the ecosystem.

Our existing solution for this, Pallet, worked fine as a basic job board; however, it didn’t make finding a job any easier than applying elsewhere, and we’ve been unable to accept payments easily. By replacing Pallet with Eden, we aim to provide members more support to find their ideal jobs faster and grow job revenue to support the DAO.

Why Eden?

Eden was born in the DAO to solve challenges faced in the DAO.

For the last seven months, @BluePanda and @impactbilli.eth have been heads-down, translating that original vision the DAO supported. Over the 2 months, they’ve been building specifically for the DAO to create an experience for Members and Partners alike, which we hope will add value to any Members looking for a role or partner hiring.

This is only one of the reasons we (Labs) went with Eden, though. We were looking for a tool that significantly improved on Pallet, and Eden aims to do this in the following ways:

  • Ability to provide tailored experience for different “talent pools” (Design, Developer, etc.)
  • Intelligently match Members to jobs using AI.
  • Automate away processes that the DAO does not have the resources to manage (talent <> job matching)
  • Accept payments far more easily from partners
  • Build and iterate based on Member feedback, given the close relationship

It is also exciting to collaborate with a team formed in the DAO to solve a problem the DAO faces, which we’d been using an external provider for up until now. The more we can food home-grown tools and support teams in the DAO where it makes sense to, the better.

How does Eden work?

Eden uses AI to replace the 1st interview you typically have with a recruiter and aims to intelligently match you to your ideal role (based on the roles listed on the site).

Here’s an overview of how that works:

  • Upload your resume
  • Interview with Eden AI
  • Connect your Telegram
  • Get notified when your ideal role comes along

Here’s a demo of how it works…

And here’s a 2-minute video going into more detail about how it all works:

Eden is a subscription product where companies looking to hire pay a fee to list on the platform.

Eden will process all payments and split the revenue 80/20% with the Labs - with 80% going towards Labs as a token of gratitude, DAO as a token of gratitude towards the community & to align the incentives for joint success, paid as USDC into the Labs multi-sig each month. WIP beta pricing below will likely change over time as we figure out a model that works.

What’s next?

Member early access to Eden

Eden is now ready to onboard Members onto the platform :tada:

For at least the next 2-weeks, we’re running a soft launch for Members to join our Eden “Talent Oasis”. Eden will use the remaining CODE from their original budget to reward the first 200 Members who complete onboarding with 75 CODE.

Follow the steps below to join:

  1. Go to the D_D magic job-board & click the signup button:
  2. Complete your interview with Eden
  3. Optionally give feedback to the team to improve

Message @BluePanda or @Tom Husson | on Discord or Telegram: Contact @tomhusson if you have any issues, ideas or questions!

Join Narb & Blue for a DevNTell Demo of Eden

Narb is hosting BluePanda for a community DevNTell this Friday. Come along and see how Eden works close-up. You can RSVP for the session here.

Growing opportunities available on Eden

Of course, a job board is nothing without jobs. Manny and Tom are working hard to line up partners for the launch in a few weeks. We’re also introducing a referral system whereby any Member who introduces a partner who signs up will receive 50% of the first month’s fee.

If you or anyone you know would benefit from Eden, reach out to


I am really excited about this post, guys feel free to write here any thoughts improvements etc that we should do in Eden :smiley:

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