Whatever good things we build end up building us

I love that the governance token is called $CODE.


Thanks Nader for breaking things down concisely. I think with the new governance token we should try to leverage the work we are doing in the proof of competence (PoC) channel. Where we are creating an interactive onboarding experience for new developers so that they can get ramped up quickly. This interactive experience, which we are calling journeys, can then be used to certify the competence of developers in certain skill sets via an objective score. We believe that PoC in conjunction with the job board, we can become power house that trains developers and then provides talent to the organizations that are looking for it, ultimately taking a small cut on the placement to fund the treasury. This demo was started by @wslyvh for ETHLisbon. Finally, this is our current draft proposal it’s open to edit so feel free to add comments we hope to finalize it soon so we can post it here for more feedback. Thanks again!


Amazing n awesome work Nader ur doing …I’m lucky to be part of dao team

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$CODE is good. Another suggestion is $BUILD


Grateful to be a part of this. $CODE is genius. The next 6 months look good for the DAO.

IMO, proof of competence is going to be an important thing to have for when we launch the token onto the free market, letting anyone who owns the tokens join the DAO.

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Absolutely electric update.

Thrilled to be playing an extremely small role in bringing $CODE to life.

This feels like top priority to me. The number of people I have reaching out around how to join it pretty staggering.

I’d recommend polling the group to establish a Membership Committee - or a team specifically tasked with creating and overseeing an onboarding funnel for new members. At FWB, we use an application form that routes directly to a Discord channel using a combo of AirTable and Zapier.

Hosts then “vote” on each new application with an upvote. After it crosses the threshold, new members are “approved” which allows them to join the DAO.

Important to note that joining the DAO not only requires an approval, but also a minimum number of tokens.

While this amount can change over time, I’d recommend setting the first Season token threshold at a fixed amount that is synonymous across anyone who holds a Dev DAO NFT.



totally agree! would be awesome if we have a club on Gather.town for every member to hang out.


Talented people flock to the great mission

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stick to the $CODE :100:


Also, thoughts on Season 0 and Season 1 NFTs (similar to POAPs but more creative) as sort of a badge that members own and future members can acquire to showcase membership even if they don’t obtain one of the original DEV NFTs


This is a great post. We have accomplished so much in such a short space of time. 2022 is going to be an amazing year for us all. $CODE is perfect and it will be great to get more people involved again.


Let us look forward to it


I like $BUILD

I’m a coder but really seems like the DAO is about much more than coding. We need to make sure all our frens who are helping to build the future are included.


So delighted on how much we have achieved in a short period of time. The $CODE Governance token is great initiative to be candid.

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Love it!

I think there’s probably still some gray area around how memberships will work with the governance tokens. I agree with @coopahtroopa that we should look to add some sort of threshold wrt to the number of tokens and application votes for membership; however, the question comes up around how people can get their hands on tokens if there’s a minimum requirement. I’m assuming these tokens will not be backed by any type of monetary value (i.e. a stablecoin) and will thus have their value dictated by the open market. This could have a negative impact if we’re looking to cater to a wide range of people as they could be potentially priced out of joining. Another thing is if a person applies and gets accepted into the DAO, would they just be given tokens automatically or would a pre-req be having a minimum of X tokens before you can apply?

Coopah I wonder if there’s any reflections/retro you can share around the FWB application system and whether or not a tiered system (i.e. the more tokens you have the more access you get) would be applicable here?

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WRT to token holding as entry requirements. I think we can probably take a look as what the fundamental intention of this and then also provide opportunity to have alternative methods that can be deemed acceptable perhaps. Picking some wisdom from being a part of the AWS community builder. Some examples could be.

E.g. proof of community contribution I.e. Twitch stream , you tube channel, wrote a book, blog, github account maintainer, or any other irrefutable self declared awesome material

It’s probably going to be added an overhead in terms of processing time but I like the idea of the crowd sourcing this via discord votes per application. I would think taking it further and record your upvotes score upon entry lol.

The application process gets reviewed as well as you do an intro before initiating a member into the DAO!

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WRT token name. In my opinion CODE and BUILD both might exclude the awesome content that members put out there contributing towards the general Web3.

How about using CRE8 as the token name? Since we are all creators in some way or another? Arts inclined person can possibly turn the 8 into the D_D incorporated into the token logo and superstitious people sometimes consider 8 as lucky!

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Yes - This is what I thought. I spent a good amount of time doing coding and personally like $CODE. However, startups have equally important activities like design, content, support, managing day to day stuff etc. This is why I think $BUILD is more inclusive.

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Look forward to it! $BUILD is also good~

$code yyds (Came late although) :rocket: