S1 Budget Proposal : D_D Women aka Developer DAO Women

Authors: @meowy (meowy#0476)
Link to previous discussion on this topic.


D_D Women budget application for Season 1. It defines the high-level goals of the team, our plans to deliver, the core team and the proposed budget. The proposed budget is 4420 $CODE to be distributed over four months.

Mission and Goals

D_D Women supports the mission of Developer DAO of promoting diversity while creating a social layer and safe space within the DAO and in web3. Therefore, the project will attempt to achieve the following goals:

  • Maintain the Social layer for people who identify as Women and Nonbinary
  • Promoting the diversity in web3 as one of the main objectives and initiatives
  • Helping to bring the discussion about diversity among web3 communities while encouraging the male ally to be part of the discussion also

Brand usage

D_D women will be a team or project under the D_D brand identity

Scope of work:

D_D Women will work to have a foundational base that will enable future success, with the following goals for Season 1:

  • Creating a social layer for people who identify as Women and Nonbinary
  • Promoting diversity and bring our more discussions among web3 communities while including ally to the conversation (We have added a new role β€œAlly” for people outside of women and nonbinary)

The following are the actions proposed to support these initiatives:

Define Core Team

A core guild team is required for managing all of the process, infrastructure, strategy, and supporting team and promoting the team culture.

  • ExplorerGeek#4712
  • meowy#0476
  • Canna (She/They)#1190
  • lu.an#9388

Define Bounty Program

In addition to the Core Tasks, the team will have individual strategic tasks with a defined reward. Any member of the DAO can volunteer to do a Bounty at any time. The task must be delivered before the end of the Season, and should be reviewed and approved by another member of the Core Team for the rewards to be released.

Define Core Tasks

Any member can volunteer for any of the following permanent tasks. The amount of $CODE allocated is based on the average proposed in the $CODE Rewards proposal.

Role Candidate Tasks to perform $CODE
Core Team ExplorerGeek#4712 Core contributor and advisor 720
Core Team meowy#0476 Core contributor and founder of (and leading) the Team 720
Core Team Canna (She/They)#1190 Core contributor and Team Operations 720
Core Team lu.an#9388 Core contributor and Advisor(Ally) 720

Define Bounty Program

In addition to the Core Tasks, the team will have individual strategic tasks with a defined reward. Any member of the DAO can volunteer to do a Bounty at any time. The task must be delivered before the end of the Season, and should be reviewed and approved by another member of the Core Team for the rewards to be released.

Bounty Description Reward
Maintaiting Twitter Maintaining twitter and retweeting 240 $CODE
Creating Content Creating custom content for twitter every week as Developer DAO Women 500 $CODE
Having community discussions and initiatives about diversity Creating community discussion and funneling DAO conversation about diversity to create a safe space 300 $CODE
Creating opportunities for our members Teaming up with more women and nonbinary communities to create opportunities for our members 500 $CODE

Success Metrics and KPIs

  • Onboarding more women and nonbinary members to the DAO and supporting them
  • Managing the social layer of women and nonbinary members
  • Creating at least one diversity community conversation and involvement within the DAO
  • Creating opportunities for at least two members

Note: Developer DAO Women team was formed April 8 and is one of the newest teams. So, the Success Metrics and KPIs will be different from other teams that are more mature and had the time to explore the community.

Financial implications

This is the detailed list of all $CODE requirements for the goals of the project:

Concept S1 $CODE
Permanent Tasks 2880
Bounties 1540
TOTAL 4420

ENS: devdaowomen.eth was brought by kyleecodes#4765 Reimburse amount : to be calculated at $1,972.18 / ETH

Next Steps

The immediate next step is to read through the KPIs that have been set on each tasks and to make sure to focus on the best possible ways to achieve them throughout the DAO season 1.

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Happy to endorse this initiative. Please add me as Budget Steward in the credits.

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Thank you so much. Here’s the one with budget stewards.

Super stoked about this.
One world.
One love.