Not able to buy D4R NFT

Hello, guys, I want to buy D4R NFT to become a part of community, but when I submit transaction in Metamask then I receive this:

Could you help me with this?

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Thanks for your interesting in joining the DAO :heart:

Tagging our community lead @Billyjitsu they’re good at debugging these things and I’m not sure at first glance

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From the looks of it, seems like an RPC issue. The notification you got is from Transaction 0 (the very first transaction on the wallet). I’m assuming this isn’t your first transaction in this specific wallet so it would be safe to say that the wallet didn’t sync with the RPC the way it should have. Try it again, or try a different RPC.

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@Billyjitsu is it possible that this error appears because of my previous transaction that is stucked with pending state?

sorry was traveling. this is quite possible