Community managers Election - S2

New Community managers should be elected for Season 2.

Therefore, this proposal, made by communities’ members, outlines the responsibilities and rewards for Community managers as defined in the [DRAFT] Community Social Budget - Google Docs and invites any member of the DAO to nominate themselves as Community manager.

Nominations of others are encouraged, but only self-nominations will be considered official. This role requires a willingness to participate and push the DAO forward from a community aspect.

Nominations will be made as comments to this DDIP Proposal with the following format:

• Discord Username + Forum Username
• ETH address (where $CODE tokens are held)
• Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining
• Qualifications
• Governance Record (link/screenshot of forum stats)
• Snapshot voting record (link/screenshot of snapshot profile - Snapshot 4)

After the nominations period [February 21- Feb 25 23:00 hrs UTC], the election will be done via a weighted 5-day snapshot vote.

• A maximum of 3 Community managers will be elected from this vote.
• To be elected, Community manager must receive at least 1 vote.
• If there is a tie between 2 or more community manager for the 3rd place, a repeat vote must be held with only those tied for the 3rd place.


• Discord Username + Forum Username
billyjitsu#3865 / Billyjitsu

• ETH address (where $CODE tokens are held)

• Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining
My vision for the community of DevDao was to “level up” developers in the Web3 space. Keep people up to date on the latest trends, where to find tools to step up your skill set. While I may not know everything up to date, I may be able to connect to somebody that knows the subject.
“Are you using Hardhat? Hey have you checked out foundry? - Check out this tutorial”

Many of us want to learn new tools and skills and don’t have much direction. Hoping to help with that gap

Let’s build something fun.

• Qualifications

  • I’m active in discord chat spaces (VC5) - talking tech and socializing
  • Contributed to DevRel technical blogs and host DevDao partner twitter spaces
  • Completed hackathons with fellow D_D members
  • I’ve run my own business for 20 years - I wear many hats, accounting, project management, and most important, staying cool under pressure.

• Governance Record (link/screenshot of forum stats)
• Snapshot voting record (link/screenshot of snapshot profile - Snapshot 4)
Snapshot Profile



Discord Username + Forum Username:
meowy#0476 + @meowy

ETH address (where $CODE tokens are held):


Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining:

I want to focus on non-contributor experience around the DAO and how we are nurturing and giving value to our members. I also aim to focus on diversity and inclusiveness.
I joined the DAO around October 2021, I have been part of multiple initiatives and started to be more involved. My web3 journey started with the DAO and I intent to continue moving forward.
I have been focusing on nurturing ddw team environment and how we can create non contributor experience better and what could be the best way to assist someone who’s just starting out.

Some things that I will continue to focus on are:

  • new member and non contributor experience
  • community and social space
  • diversity and inclusiveness


  • I had lead and initiated multiple teams and initiatives and guided people throughout those initiatives(including D_D Women, Education Team and D_D Academy)
  • I have been project champion for more than one initiatives and being at different places around the DAO, I have grasped where we might need more focused improvement as a community.
  • Even being here from the very early days, I still have my limitations and things that are out of my scope but I’m willing to learn and grow alongside with the DAO.

Governance Record (link/screenshot of forum stats):

Forum Activity

Snapshot voting record (link/screenshot of snapshot profile):




Discord Username + Forum Username:
Erik_Knobl#0082 + @Erik_Knobl

ETH address (where $CODE tokens are held):

Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining:
I’m part of the Founding Team of Developer DAO, and since the start of my activity here, I have been trying to make it an inclusive space, where everyone can participate, and shape the DAO.
My current goal is to ensure the DAO invests in its community, while having financial health. I have participated actively in all the latests proposals for the DAO, and would like to continue creating small building blocks that help others iterate upon them. These are a few of the latests proposals I have been working on:
P-22: DAO Governance Structure Upgrade
P-21: Simplifying the Developer DAO Improvement Proposal (DDIP) Process
I’m also updating the Operating System of Developer DAO, the source of truth of all rules and laws of the DAO.
In addition to the tasks stated in the document, I would like to add the management of the Discord, updating Notion, and find ways to add more members rewarded for doing community tasks.

Governance Record (link/screenshot of forum stats):
Forum Activity

Snapshot voting record (link/screenshot of snapshot profile):
Snapshot Activity


Curious why we’re electing to use a discord poll for this vote. Seems to me it would make more sense to use snapshot given that is our Governance process and is consistent with what we’re doing for Stewards for elected roles.


There is also no clarification of what kind of voting strategy we’re using here.

For the [DRAFT] Stewards election - S2 we’re using weighted voting, i.e. people can split their vote across as many people as they like. Opted against ranked choice as I seen this is harder for many people to grok/understand how it works in comparison.


Was due to the concern of speed. I have no issue using snapshot :slight_smile:


Hi! I thought the stewards who participated in last season would be included in this season?

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@manny can we get this updated to snapshot running for 5 days (120 hours) please?

Also I assume this ism meant to be maximum, not min

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Discord Username + Forum Username:

Paloma#3073 + @Paloma

ETH address (where $CODE tokens are held):


Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining:

As someone who has benefited from and contributed to the community in D_D and other web3 communities, I would love to be a community manager for season 2 to use my experience to improve the community experience in D_D.

For newbies, a lot of the governance and DAO structure is very confusing and I would like to bridge the knowledge gap for them on how everything works as well as take feedback from them on the things they struggle with and how to make the experience better for them

I want to ensure there is continuity so when someone joins and gets onboarded properly, they are able to move on to interacting with others, contributing to the DAO, joining townhalls and governance, and generally gaining value for the DAO and I will be supporting the existing initiatives that have been put in place by the community guild and initiative leads

I would like to make the DAO more inclusive and provide support for our members in making the most of the DAOs resources which includes showing them the ways for them to become contributors and play an active role in the initiatives and decision-making process of the dao

I would like to bridge the gap between the different teams and categories of members and the discord and Twitter communities, by encouraging members of the DAO who are not active on discord to join and helping them navigate the channels, meetups, etc


I have built and managed web3 communities such as Women Build web3 where I am the community lead and Mara where I worked as a Developer advocate building the African community as well as supporting other communities like graphrica and eth global which gives me experience with building diverse and inclusive communities, discord server management, hosting office hours, onboarding, and interacting with the web3 developer community across platforms.

I have contributed to the DevRel team as a scribe, the community guild in some of the weekly meetings, and D_D women and I am generally an active part of the DAO and willing and able to work with the different teams and support members at their different levels

I work as a developer community manager in web3 which is experience that I would like to use in supporting the DAO.

Forum Activity

Snapshot voting record (link/screenshot of snapshot profile):


Discord: with-heart#0001
Forum: @with-heart
ETH: with-heart.eth (0x0260747304d05f19aB644cD6E363182396c8BD89)

• Statement of Intention / Your Values & Reasons for Joining

My vision as a Community Manager is to act as the DAO’s Chief :heart: Officer

As Chief :heart: Officer, I plan to focus on three aspects:

  • fostering a sense of trust and love throughout our community by helping members to know one another as individuals

    I believe a foundation of trust and love are essential for D_D to be an effective organization. If we don’t come to know each other, love each other, and trust each other, we will remain trapped in an environment that is often toxic and mentally unhealthy for those that contribute most.

    To build this foundation, we need to grow community-wide processes and events that draw us in, connect us together, encourage us to have fun and be open and honest with each other, and leave us hungry for more community!

  • helping members to come alive

    Each member has at least one thing within them that will make D_D better. Whether that thing is leadership, ideas, code, designs, teaching, writing, or just showing up and being a good friend to others, each of us is important the D_D mission.

    Unfortunately many of us need continuous love and support to unlock our things, but with a little time and intention, we can start growing an environment that provides that for us.

  • building psychological safety into our environment

    One of the things that I’ve disliked most about D_D since the beginning is how badly we tend to handle conflict.

    We treat the existence of conflict as a problem in itself but conflict in any organization is a common occurrence. What’s important isn’t preventing conflict, it’s growing environments that are psychologically safe so that conflict can be expressed, processed, worked through, learned from, and resolved.

    Without the safety to handle conflict, we build up large amounts of negative feelings (dislike, distrust, etc.) within ourselves that never find a release. They just keep growing and growing and growing…

I realize that these are lofty things to focus on, especially in a role with an expectation of ~5 hours a week, but I believe I have the skills and personality to make a difference in each aspect.

• Qualifications

I believe in open source and do my best to live that in my everyday life, especially in my sense of leadership. As an open source leader, I’m committed to growing those around me: I do my best to be as transparent and genuine as I can be, to open pathways to action and leadership for others as often as I can, and to teach others as much as I’m able.

Governance Record: Profile - with-heart - Developer DAO
Snapshot Record: Snapshot


thanks for nominating everyone! the nomination period has closed. next up: snapshot.