A Work Identity Solution for D_D


This proposal puts forward a new, open-source work identity protocol for D_D: Proof. Proof will be an on-chain, open source work identity protocol for a D_D member’s contributions to projects and DAO initiatives. .

This proposal has the following objectives:

  • Provide D_D contributors with verified D_D NFTs of individual work products for their personal wallet/ portfolio of work
  • Incentivize long-term contributions to D_D, rather than short-term bounties

The aim is to create an open-source work identity protocol for D_D that aligns and integrates with other organizations’ approach to work identity and verification.


For D_D, the organization:

  • Matching individuals to appropriate teams/ projects can be difficult due to a lack of understanding of their skills, experience, and interests.
  • Matching individuals to the appropriate standard and quantity of work can be a slow, arduous and complicated process.
  • Incentivizing contributors to engage in long-term projects, rather than short-term bounty style projects, can be a challenge, due to the financial incentives surrounding a project.

For D_D individual contributors

  • New D_D members struggle to demonstrate their value add/ potential value add for D_D
  • Contributors receive little recognition other than an individual payment for work completed.
  • Contributors struggle to articulate project work completed in D_D to other organizations.


Proof is an on-chain, work-identity protocol to track and show all your contributions in web3.

Product Outline

  • Product v1:
    • Web3 Work Portfolio Page:
      • An interface that automatically pulls out individual’s past transactions on chain related to the DAO (we plan to extend to other categories in the future), allowing individuals to provide context manually, along with a verifiable pointer links to the DAO’s vote approval for payment, which includes DAO and individual’s wallet address.
    • Non Transferable NFT Badge Minter (current plan is to use ERC1155):
      • i. Default NFT Badge (Template): similar to reddit reputation system, there can be a default generic template we can provide to DAOs to determine different levels of NFT badges based on wallet past contribution history with DAO.
      • ii. Customizable DAO Specific Badge: For example, a DAO can define tiers and skills of PoW Non-transferable NFTs as follows: Engineering / Design / Tokenomics / Marketing / Community / Languages as skills, Visitor / Novice / Intermediate / Advanced / Guru as tiers (e.g. x amount of past work payments will map to certain tier of non-transferable NFT badge being minted to member’s wallet). D_D will decide on the right criteria/ standards for recognizing an individual’s contribution and what standard it has achieved.
  • Future product vision:
    • Medium-term:
      • Position into project payment workflow; when users request payment from the DAO, they request Proof for their work. The badges will then be minted when the approver reviews their work and deems it complete, and worthy of payment.
      • As users create more and more portfolio pages, we will be uniquely positioned to introduce social graph features such as:
        • Connecting with peers and follow others updates
        • Suggesting experience gaps/ upskill opportunities (example: partner with buildspace),
    • Long-term:
      • Move beyond payment workflows and blockchain specific tasks to allow Proof of work for “salaried” workers/ off-chain work products
      • Build open-source Proof protocol to allow for other projects to build different applications on top of. Examples:
        • web3 work marketplaces. Matching to web3 job opportunities (today there is no winner in web3 recruiting space)
        • Team composability suggestions
        • Fractionalized Proof of work for teams/ small orgs


  • Aligning with the D_D mission & values
    • As Developer DAO exists to accelerate the education and impact of a new wave of web3 builders, the Proof protocol will help demonstrate and reward the work of the D_D community.
    • As an open-source protocol built as a public good, D_D can help the broader web3 community recognize and reward work through the Proof protocol.
  • Clarity of work experience/ skills
    • For new contributors, greater clarity of skills/ experience will support and streamline new contributor onboarding.
    • Across D_D, greater clarity on work experience will foster team relations as contributors have a better understanding of skills, past projects, experience etc.
  • Recognition for work completed
    • Beyond D_D, contributors can easily demonstrate the work completed in a trusted and verified way. Potential to include recognition of training/ education completed by integrating to useWeb3 or Proof of Competence.
    • Contributors are encouraged to contribute to larger/ longer projects, rather than short-term bounties, and to be recognized in a meaningful way for said contributions
  • Cross-industry collaboration
    • Proof will collaborate and integrate with other DAOs tackling similar problems related to recognition and rewarding contributors, and therefore, can align data inputs/ talent standards with that of other organizations.


  • Opportunity cost compared to other work/ projects that could be completed in D_D
  • Valuing all work across the DAO is a challenge, and likely to be imperfect. In order to standardize work, a simple framework must be created to define the criteria/ inputs when rewarding or recognizing work. Any recognition of work completed must also allow for input from a contributor, should they wish to annotate/ comment on the work product.
  • Difficult to standardize “work product” between D_D guilds, and between D_D and other organizations.


Today on-chain identity solutions are mostly designed around NFTs, in following categories:

  1. Proof of ‘Skill’ (Rabbit-hole): mint NFT based on simple walk-through training on given topic, e.g. did defi farming walkthrough and get a defi badge in wallet, this tells you little about an Anon’s actual skill
  2. Proof of ‘Experience’ (POAP): mint NFT based on your past experience to show credibility, e.g. attended ETH Denver. This again tells you little about an Anon’s actual work skill
  3. Proof of ‘Access’ (Token-gated xx): purchase token and/or membership NFT for accessing gated community, e.g. FWB/Index-coop. This is a liquid asset purchase and tells you nothing about the work capability of the individual


  1. Proof of WORK: to judge an Anon’s capability, it’s their past work that actually matters most, and there is no clear solution/leader in this niche. A past history of work is potentially most useful for Anon’s to prove their Web3 capabilities and for DAOs to leverage for coordinations. Other solutions/ platforms to create a “LinkedIn of web3” or on-chain resume solution might overlap with this protocol. However, by creating an open-source protocol, Proof start as being a specific solution for D_D’s needs and then expand to other DAOs


Working Group + Engineering Guild Pilot:

  • Week 1:
    • Establish working group of 4-5 D_D contributors to explore product need, create a product roadmap for creation and deployment, and align with other D_D projects
    • Working group will target the Engineering Guild as an initial launchpad for D_D Proof due to the (usual) on-chain nature of engineering work, and the acute need for greater recognition of engineering contributors
  • Week 2:
    • Working group to solicit feedback/ hear needs from engineering guild on wants, requests, comments regarding proof
  • Week 3:
    • Design mock-up of NFT minter and editor interface
    • Test mock-up with 10-15 contributors and integrate feedback
    • Adapt initial Proof NFT minter based on feedback
  • Week 4:
    • Design mock-up of user portfolio page for NFT display (or possibly explore alternative integration)
    • Test mock-up with 10-15 contributors and integrate feedback
  • Week 5:
    • Continue building work (front-end/ back-end) to meet week 6 deadline
    • Soft launch with select contributors for feedback
  • Week 6:
    • Proof working group present to engineering guild for feedback/ review


The working group will lead on actioning the proposed plan above. Any and all comments or questions from DAO members are welcome. Please reach out if interested in helping make this a reality for the DAO.