P-38: Introducing the Developer DAO Bounty Board

The Developer DAO Bounty Board

Authors: mannyornothing Kirsten (TalentLayer)

This is the official proposal up for consideration and an official vote by the DAO.

View the discussion from the last stage of the proposal here.


This proposal outlines the implementation and management of the Developer DAO Bounty Board. The goal is to create a user-centric platform that allows D_D members and the broader community to access quality open-source bounty opportunities posted by D_D partner organisations. In order to post on the Developer DAO Bounty Board, organisations must be Developer DAO members. The proposal also details planned features and a monetization model to help the DAO generate recurring revenue fees.


Bringing earning opportunities to DAO members

The Developer DAO Bounty Board will be a place where DAO members can go to access a wide range of open-source bounties so they can get hands-on experience and earn money while doing it.

Scaling Developer DAO’s bounty program

Previously we have been manually managing bounties for individual organisations. This takes a lot of administrative time. We get a lot of inbound requests from organisations that want to post bounties for DAO members, but we don’t have the capacity to service them all when we have to do posts, publicity, and payments manually. Because of this, a lot of bounties that could be available to DAO members never happen.

The Developer DAO Bounty Board will help us scale our bounties program and create an easy place for organisations to post bounties themselves, as long as they are DAO members. This will convert the steady stream of requests for sponsoring bounties into REAL and accessible opportunities for DAO members.

Bringing engaging activities for new DAO members

One of the biggest challenges for the DAO is engaging new members after they are onboard. When new DAO members arrive, but don’t see anything “actionable” they can do to contribute, they get demotivated and deprioritize DAO participation.

If we have open-source bounties available consistently for new DAO members to work on, we can instantly engage new members and keep them coming back to the DAO repeatedly; a growing community.

Creating new revenue streams for the DAO

Developer DAO will have the ability to configure fees of various types on the Developer DAO Bounty Board. This can generate consistent and growing revenue for the DAO as more people use the bounty board.

Scope of Work

Domain of Operations & Team

Management and maintenance of the Developer DAO Bounty Board and promotion of the board to potential bounty sponsor organisations.

kirsten (DAO Member, Executive Lead at TalentLayer) - Responsible for managing development and maintenance of the Developer DAO Bounty Board, and assisting with onboarding bounty sponsor organisations.

talentlayer (External Organization) - Responsible for the development and maintenance of the Developer DAO Bounty Board

kempsterrrr & mannyornothing - Responsible for supporting publicity and partnerships.


O1 The Developer DAO Bounty Board platform is launched Owner
KR The platform is live and accessible to D_D members to post bounties on and search for opportunities with. Kirsten
KR The platform receives updates and additional features as needed. Kirsten
O2 Bounties are being consistently posted on the platform Owner
KR A publicity schedule is defined and implemented to boost awareness of the Bounty Board across potential bounty sponsor organisations. kempsterrrr
KR A team is discussing bounty sponsor partnerships with organisations, and assisting them to post to the platform. kempsterrrr / mannyornothing
O3 DAO Members are aware of bounty opportunities Owner
KR A publicity schedule is defined and implemented to boost awareness of the Bounty Board across DAO members and other developers. kemspterrrrr
KR A bot is created for the Developer DAO Discord to post all new bounties in a feed for DAO members to access easily. kirsten
O4 The Bounty Board is generating revenue for the DAO Owner
KR A pricing model is determined and implemented on the Bounty Board. mannyornothing

Written Scope of Work

Product Summary

The Developer DAO Bounty Board will be a full bounty and grants marketplace with a web 3 native user experience. It will be built using BuilderPlace, a white-label TalentLayer-based bounty board builder. It will be able to be hosted on a custom domain or subdomain of Developer DAO. It will have the Developer DAO colour pallet and logo on the site.

Features Summary

Token Gating: Only Developer DAO members can post jobs (NFT holder or a wallet holding enough $CODE)

Featured posts: Developer DAO can charge bounty sponsors for featured posts that rank at the top of the bounties page. This can be managed in the admin centre of the platform.

Monetization: Various fees can be configured on the bounty board through the admin centre including:

  1. Percentage fees on transactions
  2. Fees to post jobs

Seal of Approval for D_D members: Developer DAO members will rank higher in applications for bounties, and will have a seal of approval on their profile in the platform.

Services Summary

The TalentLayer community (acting as BuilderPlace under 44 Labs OU) will provide the following services ongoing to the DAO to support the Bounty Board.

  • Hosting
  • Maintenance (updating code, removing bugs)


Additional features, programmes, or other expansions can be detailed in further proposals. We expect this to be an ongoing project for years to come and there will surely be improvements to be made outside the scope of this proposal.

Budget Request (Including value returned to the DAO)

Value Returned to the DAO:

The Developer DAO Bounty Board can have fees configured by the DAO to generate revenue for the treasury and value accrual for $CODE and Developer DAO NFTs.

Transaction Fees: A configurable percentage fee that comes out of any bounty pay-out payments made on the platform.

Posting Fees: A fee for posting bounties.

Sponsored post fees: A fee charged to companies to highlight their post at the top of bounty results.

Increased demand for $CODE and D_D NFTs: Because you must be a D_D member to post bounties, any organisation who wants to post bounties must purchase either an NFT or $CODE. This generates buy pressure which should support the value of each asset.

Budget Requested

We request a budget of 35,000 CODE from the DAO treasury for the following purposes:

Bounty pool: 30,000 CODE

CODE will be issued to all bounties as an extra incentive. The specifics of this have not been worked out yet so we’re requesting enough to allow for experimentation. Any unused CODE would be returned to the Treasury or factored into any future budget.

Reward for TalentLayer Contribution: 5,000 (agreement to hold and participate in Governance for 12 months)

Address to send budget - 0x81B3E58186E40c3143eEdE1eac88eedfC7cFeb5F (TalentLayer DAO Multisig)

Fee Split 44 Labs OU (Managed by TalentLayer Community)

44 Labs OU will receive a non-configurable 2% fee on payment transactions. This is intended to cover development, hosting, and maintenance of the platform.


  • 35,000 CODE cost to the Treasury
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