FAQ - Governance Token Proposal Companion

Thank you for the FAQ, very useful!

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I agree with your proposal, since they have since sold their NFT, it might indicate they are no longer interested and to add to that since $CODE will be available on the market, they can simply buy some $CODE back if they are interested.

I donā€™t think itā€™s such a harsh proposal, especially if you consider someone can, sell their NFT the day after the snapshot, then promptly sell their 400 $CODE as well, thus selling out not once but twice.


I do see my address there, but not eligible for the POAP bonus because I minted it just before it ran out, didnā€™t get a chance to vote.

Yeah in the same boat.

I strongly agree with the functional mission and distribution of governance tokens and expect code to make DevDAO more powerful

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I like this activity very much. I hope Iā€™m lucky. Thank you very much!

Hello, may I ask, can new members who come in later can only purchase tokens from the secondary market to obtain membership?

Defining contributions on this granular-a-level is super difficult. My personal feelings are any action in the community is a contribution but that is very hard to track. Using Coordinape has been suggested as it allows for a bottom-up (rather than top-down) approach to rewards so hopefully even those who havenā€™t had the chance to contribute to a project in a trackable way (like a commit) can still potentially receive Early Contributors rewards from others in the community they have helped in others ways.

Best way to understand how Coordinape works is to view a video, this ones quite good - Coordinape - Decentralize Payroll for the Modern DAO - YouTube


I agree with you and thatā€™s also why I was asking :slight_smile:

I got a quick question for this, so I joined the developer dao in a very initial phase, and in the discord, I suggested opening help specific channel, to encourage the developer help each other .So, it was just an idea that I proposed and then the mods acted on this idea, so can this be considered as the contribution from my side to the DAO,?

Yes as I said I think any action in the community is a contribution. That doesnā€™t necessarily mean that every individual action can or should be tracked and rewarded. We felt taking a bottom up approach using Coordinape for Early Contributions was on balance fairer and more feasible than a top down approach that tries to explicitly track and reward every action taken retrospectively.

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Wasnā€™t gitcoin supposed to get 5% of the supply?
Iā€™m a bit confused that it states 11.1% in the FAQ and 5% in the proposal.

Gitcoin is still proposed to receive 5%. That 11.1% reflects active governing power at the time the token is issued, not the supply. That governing power is a larger, because the 50% in the treasury isnā€™t eligible to vote and founder/advisor tokens are subject to vesting.


I like the idea of checking two snapshots.

I have another case. I actually own two NFTs and thought about giving away one (to interested people on twitter). But as far as I understand how things are planned now the receiving person wouldnā€™t actually have any benefit from this, right?

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agree with this too, the NFT should be the key of the chest. Maybe you can design it to burn the NFT to get the airdropped token

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Just my opinion but this seems fair to me to only allow current 721 holders receive $CODE tokens and not drop $CODE to wallets that have sold, traded, burned the 721 agter the snapshot.

To me this is a good counterbalance to not dropping tokens to people that acquired the 721 after the snapshot.

For example, I minted two 721s and gave one to my friend as a way to get him involved. I am only eligible for one airdrop and he is not eligible for any.

I think that if we drop $CODE to people holding no 721s, we should also issue $CODE to wallets that currently hold a 721 but didnā€™t at the snapshot.

I hope that made sense. It kind of felt like I was.typing in circles trying to articulate that.

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Why not have diminishing returns for early voters? Can early contributors also be based off early discord participation? A lot of us were contributing a lot of ideas early on

Letā€™s put up a vote!
Whoever sold NFT before airdrop, should be excluded from the $CODE airdrop.

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