I’d love to see the following:
- Align on a few core projects in the DAO and secure funding for them
- Funnel the best builders in the DAO to these projects
- Create a lower-lift way for members to quickly get DAO support for smaller ideas
This is already happening with the RPC thanks to @Crypdough.eth @PSkinnerTech @vorcigernix @protocolwhisperer @0xThresh and others.
I’d love to see get folks perspectives on a few more potential projects:
- Moving our blog on-chain, either as a fork of mirror or something new
- Wrapping/bridging/redeploying the CODE token on and L2, then potentially see what else we can do regarding liquidity provision, rewards/governance incentives - maybe staking is required/increase governance power, require staking code to unlock opportunities (i.e. Bounty Board)
I’d prefer to see this > a separate space or group in the DAO, then as we start to ship projects and the builders who contribute to these projects show their skills/talent we then re-consider what it might looking like to do consulting work based on the reputation we have built up shipping those projects.
For the last point, I think this is largely a communication and documentation issue. The overhead of governance scares people off but now aspects of this have been reduced here and here, I think we encouragement we could get more ideas being proposed and shipped.